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    Տեղադրված է՝2018-12-06 Կարիերայի մակարդակՍկսնակԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՏարիների փորձ1 - 3 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-20

    Aragil Online Marketing Agency

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ info@aragil.com Հեռախոս +37495488758 Վեբկայք http://aragil.com

    Digital Storyteller

    Job Description:

    The Storyteller is responsible for writing and editing copy across digital channels, videos, proposals, social networks, blogs, banners and emails, and the role requires a deep understanding and thoughtful application of digital content & communication strategy.

    Responsibilities and duties:

    • Develop content calendars on a weekly and monthly basis
    • Generate creative storytelling ideas and also lead execution of these ideas.
    • Ability to create copy that stands out from the crowd
    • Research plan and write content on deadline.
    • Create engaging blog and social media content
    • Assist in the general distribution of press releases and media alerts
    • Work well with designers, media planners and marketing specialists to create copy while exercising good team-working skills.
    • Experienced in working with other teams of creative thinkers, digital marketers and editors
    • Monitor analytics with social media team to identify viable ideas

    Qualifications and skills:

    • experience in content creation, copywriting, editing, marketing, public relations or similar advertising position(s)
    • Strong marketing mind with the ability to communicate value to the intended audience.
    • Familiarity with SEO-driven keyword research.
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills
    • Maintain an understanding of emerging digital trends
    • An understanding of current Digital Marketing concepts, strategy and best practices.
    • Understanding of story fundamentals (effective character, trajectory, hook,authenticity/details and calls-to-action)
    • In-depth working knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+
    • Fluent knowledge of English language

    All interested candidates are kindly requested to submit their CVs by e-mail to info@aragil.com

    The company is grateful to all interested applicants; please specify the subject line of your email as “Application for Storyteller”.

    Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for the interview.

