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    Տեղադրված է՝2020-06-12 Կարիերայի մակարդակՓորձառուՂեկավարԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՄագիստրոսՏարիների փորձ5 - 10 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-13


    Roche is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and diseases of the central nervous system.

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ rezume.am@hotmail.com Հեռախոս +41 61 688 11 11 Վեբկայք http://careers.roche.com

    Enterprise Agile Coach (Business Transformation Coach)

    At Roche, we believe it's urgent to deliver medical solutions right now - even as we develop innovations for the future. We are passionate about transforming patients' lives. We are brave in both decision and action, we believe that good business means a better world.
    Pharma International is Roche's global business network (excluding US) of over 15'000 people whose vision is to bring medicines to patients in the fastest possible way. We are transforming the way we do business and how we work together for patients and customers.


    As Enterprise Agile Coach, you will act across Pharma International (PI) to advance our organisational agile maturity in support of business transformations that deliver better outcomes to more patients, faster.
    The role addresses both the systemic requirements for change as well as the day to day implications for leaders, supporting teams and individuals on their respective transformation journeys.
    Enterprise Agile Coaches (EACs) build trust-based relationships primarily with senior leaders and their enabling teams to deepen their understanding of the required mindset and behavior shifts required to build the desired future-state culture and to accelerate change. In particular EACs support leadership shifts into the creative and empowering mindsets.
    In addition, EACs develop and nurture networks of coaches, transformation leaders and change agents across the Roche network, systematically building new capabilities in themselves and others to help unlock the full potential of all Roche people towards achieving our North Star. In doing so, EACs magnify their impact with the right balance between focus on relationship and task.
    EACs serve as Transformation Practitioners with a broad understanding of what it takes to transform at the individual, team and organizational levels, bringing clarity to change through the use and application of Roche proven practices and tools, demonstrating the strength of the Roche networks and what already exists.
    EACs develop networks and systems across Roche, including People & Culture, Organization Growth, Communications, Finance and more to continuously sense the well-being of the organization and to co-create programs and interventions to address what is needed next, ensuring integrated and aligned transformation efforts.
    EACs act as a "Catalyst", helping people find each other and learn from what has been experimented with elsewhere, demonstrating the power of storytelling. EACs are vocal advocates for working in communities and networks, which over time will not only foster greater collaboration and the sharing of learning, but also be the primary form for how work gets done to benefit our patients.

    Specific activities may include:

    * Mentoring to affiliate or functional level transformation leaders and coaches, including supporting their onboarding
    * Support systemic needs by scanning and sensing of the system for emerging themes, areas of challenge or opportunities
    * Participate in global/high impact design sprints, providing guidance on development of sprint scope, outcomes, guardrails, participant selection and post sprint engagement activities

    Areas of content expertise:

    Agile principles, mindsets & behaviors and new ways of working

    * Deep expertise in Agile Coaching to desired mindset and behaviors
    * Deep toolkit i.e. design thinking, scrum, and facilitation on all levels of the organisation
    * Deep understanding and experience of business transformation journeys
    * Experience in experimenting with and designing new business models, particularly customer facing functions
    * Identify capabilities required in the future, and how these link into future roles and ways of working within an ecosystem
    * Supporting systems for transformation, incl. technical / digital to enable these systems
    * How underlying formal processes and procedures (Reputation, Compliance) support agile organizations.

    The ideal candidate

    We're looking for an experienced leader with proven experience in developing purpose driven, outcomes based business strategies. An inspiring, approachable leader, with the following experience/qualities:

    * 15 years minimum experience in related roles (systems and network strategy, business partnerships, large scale project management)
    * Experience with alliance and/or partnership management
    * Shown ability to think critically and strategically and execute a process across multiple internal and external stakeholders, working toward outcomes/via outcomes based planning
    * Strong leadership and interpersonal skills
    * Infectious passion and tenacity to own and enhance partnerships - including at the executive level
    * Demonstrates executive presence, strong business acumen, navigates ambiguity, manages complexity.
    * Exhibits the behaviors of an Agile Leader with an Agile Mindset.
    * Enterprise mindset that can break down silos. Focus on delivery through collaboration, ability to bring people together to work towards the same purpose across organization boundaries.
    * Ability to empower teams to act autonomously and hold them accountable.
    * Exhibits intellectual curiosity and integrity and has strong passion to bring value-adding to the business.
    * Takes 'progressive risk'-not thrill-seeking, but risk that leads to opportunity.
    * Entrepreneurial mindset.

    The ideal candidate will be:

    * A source of energy in the community and embodies the brand of the change program.
    * An active listener, and can ask grounded questions to develop their view of the individual/team according to their unique personality/team culture. Shows genuine interest and openness to encourage team members to share and collaborate.
    * A leader with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to read the room in terms of how much control vs. coaching is needed, and understanding when to proactively step back and let others step up.
    * A leader with positive regard for others and focuses on unleashing the human potential of an individual, and becomes energized at the thought of bringing out the best of people. Believes that their primary measure of success is the success of their team.
    * A true enthusiasm for continuous improvement, celebrate success but discourages the satisfaction with being "good enough"


    * Possesses understanding of, and passion for, the Roche Transformation Journey through demonstrating conviction for agile ways of working, in service of Roche strategic objectives
    * Deep understanding of the language of desired mindset, behaviours and leadership such as through the Leadership Circle Profile around Creative/Reactive behaviours; knowledge of Leadership roles of the future Visionary, Architect, Catalyst, Coach would be an asset
    * Extensive knowledge of the principles of agility, including empowerment, autonomy, Self-management of teams, collective leadership and networks.
    * Experience Coaching at senior executive levels; Coaching certification or coach training such as achieved through Co-Active Coaching workshops or training plus application are a definite asset
    * Knowledge of and leverage work with affiliates, Teal/Reinventing Organizations, Servant Leadership, Leadership Development (Visionary, Architect, Catalyst, Coach) and Team Effectiveness.
    * Strong communication skills and has demonstrated ability to develop trusting relationships with senior leaders, affiliate Agile Coaches, Affiliate Transformation Leads (ATLs), internal partners (ie, Comms, HR) and external partners (Full Circle Group, McKinsey, etc). While every effort is made to support affiliates and transformation efforts from a virtual perspective, significant international travel (25 - 40%) is required to build trusting relationships, and to work effectively with senior leadership teams in topics that are sensitive (such as shifting of deeply held ways of thinking and behaving
    * Skilled in facilitation, situational awareness, conflict resolution, communications and mentoring

    We are structured into two communities - the International 8 Markets (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the International 7 Areas (Africa, Asia-Pacific, CEETRIS (Central Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia and Indian Sub-Continent), Europe North, Europe South, Latin America and the Middle East).

    Location is flexible within Pharma International area (excluding US).



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