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    Տեղադրված է՝2018-12-07 Կարիերայի մակարդակՓորձառուԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՏարիների փորձ3 - 5 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-22


    Way4App is a fast developing company specified in development of Web and Mobile applications of any complexity. Experience and professional skills are our main features.We are doing our best to develop Web and Mobile applications of high quality using modern technologies.We have successfully finished dozens of jobs serving people in more than 10 countries and providing us with 100% of recommend.

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ info@way4app.com Հեռախոս +37491 236979 Վեբկայք http://way4app.com

    iOS Developer

    Our team is in need of a talented iOS developer!!!!!!

    Must have:

    • up to 3 years of experience in iOS development and what is much more important - skills and knowledge according to experience

    • sense of humor, quickness, analytical thinking

    • an inexhaustible desire for perfection and learning

    What we offer: 

    • competitive salary according to experience

    • periodic reviews of salary

    • days off in addition to annual vacations

    • opportunity to explore and work with American and European markets and engagement in exciting projects

    • opportunity to work with professionals

    • opportunity to participate in own projects of our team.

    So if you are interested in this position, send your CV to info@way4app.com

