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    Տեղադրված է՝2019-02-20 Կարիերայի մակարդակՍկսնակԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՏարիների փորձ1 - 3 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-15

    AOD space

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ AOD space Էլ. փոստ gethired.aod@aod.am Հեռախոս +37410220127 Վեբկայք -


    Job description:
    About us:
    Our team is experienced across diverse technology range. Whether you want to build a platform that will bring your friends together or sophisticated finance management software, our expertise will offer you a variety of options to choose from.
    We are flexible and develop solutions that meet evolving market needs. Pick the technology stack you are most comfortable with and let’s discuss your project architecture.
    • Experience with designing consumer products
    • Consistently provide innovative and creative ideas, putting forward imaginative alternatives and questioning traditional approaches
    • Will explore, question, challenge and assimilate the design and production process.
    • Must demonstrate excellent knowledge of core software and must have a full understanding of relevant services, processes, systems and procedures of web design
    • Creating new and innovative visual communications content across various media.
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities
    • A solid understanding of Responsive Design methodologies and mobile platform design
    • Ability to multitask and work efficiently under pressure
    • Passion for design and eagerness to collaborate with other creative people
    • Ability to translate UX into final polished UI Design.
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Interactive Design or equivalent experience
    • Flexible working hours
    • Conferences & Trainings, we encourage you to learn new things
    If you are interested in this position at AOD, please send your CV, your salary expectations, and your current employment status to our email address: gethired.aod@aod.am.
    Please indicate the name of the position: "UI/UX Designer".

