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    Տեղադրված է՝2019-06-05 Կարիերայի մակարդակՍկսնակԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՏարիների փորձ1 - 3 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-15

    AOD space

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ AOD space Էլ. փոստ gethired.aod@aod.am Հեռախոս +37410220127 Վեբկայք -

    Full Stack Developer

    We are hiring Full Stack Developer

    Job description:
    • Create applications.
    • Create web user interfaces.
    • Contribute to facilitating acceptance testing procedures and monitoring results.
    • Contribute to performance and load testing procedures and issue remediation.
    ✅Knowledge & Skills:
    • Strong knowledge of database management and scaling for high cpu/db load products. (MongoDB experience, bigchainDB is a plus)
    • Experience with GIT repositories
    • High attention
    • Experience with NodeJS, ReactJs, Redux, Apollo is a plus
    ✅Soft skills
    • ability to manipulate the existing design, consume API’s, and reuse design elements.
    • working with micro services
    • ability to architect solutions
    • Excellent analysis, problem-solving and communication skills

    • Conferences & Trainings, we encourage you to learn new things
    • Knowleadge sharing and learning oppurtunity
    • Friendly working enviroment
    • Tea & Coffee
       Handle a negative feedback professionally instead of taking it personally.
       If you are interested in this position at AOD, please send your CV, a short letter of interest, your salary expectations, and your current employment status to our email address: get.hired@aod.am.
     Please indicate the name of the position: "FullStack Developer".
     We are considering the candidates by shortlisting method, so please pay maximum attention to your skills on CV to correspond to the skills mentioned on a job description. Otherwise, your job application will be ignored.
     About us:
    Our team is experienced across diverse technology range. Whether you want to build a platform that will bring your friends together or sophisticated finance management software, our expertise will offer you a variety of options to choose from.
    We are flexible and develop solutions that meet evolving market needs. Pick the technology stack you are most comfortable with and let’s discuss your project architecture.



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