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    Տեղադրված է՝2019-09-07 Կարիերայի մակարդակՓորձառուԿրթության մակարդակԲակալավրՏարիների փորձ5 - 10 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-13

    International Center for Human Development

    Established in March, 2000 the International Center for Human Development (ICHD or the Center) is a one of the leading think tanks in the region.

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ mail@ichd.org Հեռախոս +374010582638 Վեբկայք http://www.ichd.org


    Call for experts (policy analysis, policy monitoring, policy advice and legislation analysis expert team members) – tenth call

    Experts fulfilling the competence requirements listed below are invited to submit their applications.

    Competence Requirements

    A Policy research team member shall:

    • have demonstrated relevant working experience of at least ten (10) years in policy research at the national or international level and/or;
    • have academic/technical background relevant to the scope(s) of the assignment with at least five (5) years of relevant experience;
    • Be familiar with policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relevant sectors and public administration system of the Republic of Armenia;
    • Have recognized experience and/or knowledge relevant to the public policy cycle utilised by the Government of Armenia;
    • Be able to communicate fluently, in writing and orally, in Armenian. A working knowledge of English, Russian and other United Nations languages desirable;
    • Have excellent drafting skills, strong operational and analytical skills, and the ability to work as a member of a team;
    • Possess a university degree in social or political science, economics, public administration, law, gender studies, natural sciences, engineering, development studies, public health, medical science or any related discipline;
    • Be free from any interest that may cause the policy expert team to act in other than an impartial and non discriminatory manner;
    • Commit in writing that he/she will not disclose any confidential or proprietary information coming to his/her knowledge by reason of his/her duties for the policy research team.

    Work conditions

    The selection of the applicants to be included in the rosters is the responsibility of the ICHD Administration.

    The rosters of experts are maintained by the ICHD Administration.

    Being included in the roster(s) of experts does not automatically imply that the expert will be chosen as a member of a relevant policy research team.

    Members of the policy research teams will be paid travel costs and daily subsistence allowance for attending a meeting or undertaking research assignments in accordance with the national regulations and the ICHD procedures. In addition, the policy research team members will be paid fees as determined by the ICHD in the Indicative level of fees to be paid to policy experts.

    The terms of payment will be effective after satisfactory completion of work.

    Experts wishing to apply shall:

    Have read and agreed to the Terms of reference for policy research teams Apply online through the email provided below: mail@ichd.org



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