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    Տեղադրված է՝2020-01-21 Կարիերայի մակարդակԿրթության մակարդակՏարիների փորձ ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-02

    Green Lane

    Agricultural Assistance NGO

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ office@greenlane.am Հեռախոս +37410 575779 Վեբկայք http://www.greenlane.am


    Green Lane NGO is looking for a highly motivated and obsessively organized awesome intern who loves to learn and is energized at the opportunity to wear these multiple hats:

    - You can comfortably work in a professional environment (helping to manage and build relationships with our community, communications and events)

    - You are quick, responsive and love to run with projects but know when to slow down, ask questions and raise your hand for help.

    - You take ownership of and pride in all your work.

    - You are meticulous about details, planning and timeliness, and nothing makes you happier than a clean inbox, desk and office.

    - You are willing to dig in and tackle what needs to be done -- no matter what the task.

    - You welcome feedback and appreciate its value in helping to grow.

    - You are passionate about sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

    - You’d enjoy travelling to rural communities in Armenia

    - You are able to multitask and change directions instantly if needed.

    Daily Tasks

    • Onsite hours: 9:00am-18:00pm and periodic evening events

    • Executive support, including managing the calendar, scheduling meetings, welcoming and meeting visitors, creating and managing files, databases and processes, generating PPTs and other documents (you do need to be generally competent in using web tools and apps, including Google Drive and Calendar)

    • Assisting in organization works of the Harvest Festival of Rural Life and Traditions

    • Work order management

    • Monitor internet service and calling tech support

    • Monitor printer (paper, toner, functionality) and other office technology

    • Oversee scheduling of conference rooms and events

    What's Good For You And About The Job

    • We are deeply committed, passionate, welcoming and successful folks who like to have fun too.

    • We have a really cool, clean, neat and bright facility with dedicated professionals working in and out of our offices

    . • You can learn as much as you want -- whether agriculture, environmental science and sustainability, community-building, events and teamwork.

    • We're grateful -- we really appreciate great people.

    • Your transportation and lunch expenses will be covered.

    • And, if your awesomeness is confirmed within 2 months period, you’ll get an official job offer from us!



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