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    Տեղադրված է՝2020-04-27 Կարիերայի մակարդակԿրթության մակարդակՏարիների փորձ3 - 55 - 10 ԱշխատավարձN/A Վավեր է մինչև2025-04-11

    RENARDET SA & Partners Consulting Engineering

    RENARDET SA & Partners are part of the larger RENARDET SA group with their Head Office in Geneva, Switzerland and falls under the umbrella of the BONIFICA Group with their head office in Italy. Renardet SA & Partners, Consulting Engineers LLC is a subsidiary of Renardet SA and serves the Group’s interests in the Middle East and North Africa.

    Կոնտակտային տվյալներ

    Կոնտակտային անձ HR Էլ. փոստ head-office@renardet.com Հեռախոս +(41) 22 7383844 Վեբկայք http://www.renardet.com/

    Senior Highway Engineer

    Senior Highway Engineer


    Senior Highway Engineer The Senior Highway Engineer should be a qualified professional road engineer with at least 5 years professional experience in implementation of technical supervision (control and verification of constructed/rehabilitated road geometry, pavement, drainage, artificial structures, materials testing and results interpretation) of roads construction/rehabilitation works, and a fair understanding of pavement, geometry, structures and drainage design processes. Also the Senior Highway Engineer should have relevant experience and skills for carrying out quality supervision (both on site and in laboratories) of equipment and materials used in road rehabilitation or reconstruction projects and should have appropriate knowledge for providing the necessary advice to the Employer ensuring consultancy to the Employer.


     • Qualified professional road engineer

    • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in implementation of technical supervision (control and verification of constructed/rehabilitated road geometry, pavement, drainage, artificial structures, materials testing and results interpretation) of roads construction/rehabilitation works and a fair understanding of pavement, geometry, structures and drainage design processes.

    • Relevant experience and skills for carrying out quality supervision (both on site and in laboratories)

    • Knowledge in providing the necessary advice to the Employer ensuring consultancy to the Employer.

    • Must have excellent communication


    • To be able to analyze and solve problems.

    • The confidence and knowledge to supervise others.

    • To be a good team player.

    • Strong organizational skills to cope with the many different stages of a construction project.

    • Good written and verbal skills.

    COUNTRY: Armenia


    The main objective for this assignment is to undertake Technical Supervision of roads rehabilitation works to ensure that civil works are carried out in full compliance with the engineering design, technical specifications and other contract documents (civil works contract) in order to achieve timely completion and high quality of construction. Note: The projects is currently under bidding stage.

